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Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy helps you understand what personal data we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it and the choices you have.


This policy contains the following sections:

  • The information we collect,

  • How we use your information,

  • Who we share your information with,

  • International transfers of your personal information,

  • How long we keep your personal information,

  • Your rights,

  • Security,

  • Third party websites,

  • Website cookies,

  • How to contact us.


Our policy applies to you if you use our products or services in store , over the phone, online, through use any of our websites or interact with us on social media (our “Services”). If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not use the services.


This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time and should be reviewed occasionally.



The Information We Collect


We collect personal information about you when you visit our store or service centre, use our website or if you communicate with us by phone, e-mail, and social media. We refer to our websites and social media collectively as “Online Services”.


The types of personal information we collect includes:

- Personal details such as your name, address, email address, phone number and other contact information.

- Transaction information, such as the product you purchased, its price, and your method of payment.


When you’re online the information we collect includes:

  • Account information, like your username, password, and other identifiers or credentials you use to access our online services or to buy our products and services,

  • Details of your visits to the Website,

  • IP address and cookie data,

  • Information that you provide in your dealings with us. This includes when you register to use our online services, or when you subscribe to our services or request further services and/or information from us.


The situations when you provide personal information could include when you:

  • Purchase products online, at our stores or through our contact centre

  • Request on site services and / or deliveries

  • Request customer support and technical assistance

  • Visit our service centre for repair or service of products

  • Request to receive marketing or other communications

  • Enter one of our competitions or when you complete one of our customer surveys

  • Submit information when you’re providing feedback

  • Submit an employment application



How We Use Your Information


The law on data protection sets out several different reasons for which a company may collect and process your personal data. These are set out below:


  • When we’re required to enter a contract with you,

  • We use your personal information to process your orders and payments, requests for service and technical assistance or to give you a refund,

  • Where you have provided consent,

  • We use email and text messages to communicate with you about our products and services, competitions, offers, promotions, or special events where you tick a box,

  • Where there is a Legitimate Interest,

  • As a Company we are often required to process your personal data in order to carry out certain tasks relating to our business activities. In such cases, processing of personal data can be justified on grounds of legitimate interest.




  • To provide customer support and to respond to, and communicate with you about your requests

  • To contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information

  • To check our records are right and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied (e.g., customer surveys or service follow up calls).

  • To send communications to you about your orders, purchases or accounts and bill you for using our products or services

  • To let you post on our blogs and interact with us through social media.



Company Interest:


  • Where you fail to repay what you owe us or return our property, we may need to trace your whereabouts (sometimes using a tracing Agent) in order to recover payment or reclaim property. This might be carried out by a third-party debt recovery agent on our behalf

  • To protect against, identify and prevent fraud and other criminal activity, claims and other liabilities

  • For network and information security in order for us to take steps to protect your information against loss or damage, theft or unauthorised access.

  • When we’re required to comply with our Legal Obligation we’ll use your personal information to comply with our legal obligations including:

    • To identify you when you contact us

    • To verify the accuracy of data that we hold about you

    • To assist the Police and/or other regulatory bodies in relation to an investigation by a public authority.



Where it is in your Vital Interest:


In certain circumstances it is in your vital interests for us to process your personal information. We may need to contact you if there are any urgent safety or product recall notices or where we otherwise reasonably believe that the processing of your personal information will prevent or reduce any potential harm to you.



Who do we share your information with?


Our service providers


We provide access to or share your information with select third parties who perform services on our behalf. They have access to perform these services but are prohibited from using your information for other purposes. They provide a variety of services to us, including billing, sales, marketing, customer service, shipping and fulfilment, data storage, security, fraud prevention, payment processing, product technical support & service and legal services. We only share information that helps them provide their services to us or to help them provide their services to you.


Other organisations and individuals


We may transfer your personal information to other organisations in certain scenarios. For example:

  • If required to by law, under any code of practice by which we are bound, or we’re asked to do so by a public or regulatory authority such as the Police,

  • If we need to do so to exercise or protect our legal rights, users, systems, and services,

  • In case of default your information may be transferred to a credit reference agency such as The Malta Association of Credit Management (MACM), of which the Company is a member, as well as to any third party legally entitled to receive such information,

  • Selling, merging, or partnering (including in contemplation of such transactions) any part or all of our company / business to a third party may result in sharing of your information.


International Transfers of Your Personal Information


From time to time, we may transfer your personal information to our suppliers and service providers based outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the purposes described in this privacy policy. If we do this, your personal information will continue to be subject to one or more appropriate safeguards set out in the law.

If we do transfer information outside of the EEA, we will make sure that it is protected in the same way as if it was being used in the EEA. We’ll use one of these safeguards:

  • We’ll transfer it to a non-EEA country with privacy laws that give the same protection as the EEA. Learn more on the European Commission Justice website.

  • We’ll put in place a contract with the recipient that means they must protect it to the same standards as the EEA. Read more about this here on the European Commission Justice website



How Long Do We Hold On To Your Personal Information?


We will keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary, baring in mind the purpose for which we first collected the data.


We may keep your data for longer if we cannot delete it for legal / regulatory reasons or technical reasons. This could include one of the ways specified in ‘How we use your personal information’ and for one of these reasons:

  • To respond to your technical support requests,

  • To help support product recalls or safety notices,

  • To respond to any questions or complaints,

  • To comply with tax / VAT reporting requirements,

  • To maintain records according to rules that applies to us,

  • To establish, bring or defend legal claims,

  • To show that we have treated you fairly.



Your Rights


Right of Access – access to information we have about you.

You have the right to request what personal information we hold about you. This is sometimes called a ‘Subject Access Request’ and should be made in writing. Before providing personal information to you or another person on your behalf, we may ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interactions with us that we can locate your personal information. We’ll respond to you within 30 days after we’ve received this information or, where no such information is required, after we’ve received your request.

You may ask us to correct any of the personal information we hold about you that is inaccurate or out of date.


Data Portability

In certain circumstances you have the right to request a copy of your personal information from us or to have that information passed to an organisation of your choice in a format that can be easily re-used.


Right to Erasure – To stop limit our processing of your data

You have the right to object to us processing your personal information if we’re not entitled to use it anymore, to have your information deleted if we are keeping it too long or have its processing restricted in certain circumstances.

Where we rely on our legitimate interests, as set out under ‘How we use your personal information’, you may object to us using it for these purposes. If we agree that your objection is justified in accordance with your rights under data protection laws, we’ll permanently stop using your data for those purposes. Otherwise, we’ll provide you with our justification as to why we need to continue using your data.


Please note that we may be required by law to retain certain information. Before we can provide you with any information or correct any inaccuracies, we may ask you provide other details to help us respond to your request. We will also require proof of identity.


If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us in writing through the channels found on our contact page.





We take technical and organisational security measures to protect your information against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure, or access. However, no method of transmission over the internet, and no means of electronic or physical storage, is absolutely secure. As such, you acknowledge and accept that we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to, through, or on our services or via the internet and that any such transmission is at your own risk.



Third Party Websites


Our website may contain links to third-party websites such as social media sites and contain third-party plug-ins (such as the Facebook “like” button and Instagram “follow” button). If you choose to use these sites or features, you may disclose your information not just to those third parties, but also to their users and the public more generally depending on how their services function. Lumico is not responsible for the content or practices of those websites or services. The collection, use, and disclosure of your information will be subject to the privacy policies of the third-party websites or services, and not this Privacy Policy. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any policies made by third parties. We urge you to read the privacy and security policies of these third parties.



Website Cookies


There are instances where we may use cookies to gather information regarding our services in a mathematical collection for our website and our advertisers. Any information collected will not have any identifying data. It is statistical data about our visitors and how they have used our site. No personal details will be shared that could identify you. We may assemble information about your common internet use with a cookie file. When used, the cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie is stored on the hard drive, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps us improve our website and any service offered to you. Your browser could decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies. Note: if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of our site may not work or allow you access. Our advertisers may download cookies to which we have no control. If used, these cookies are downloaded by clicking on an advertisement found on our website.



How to contact us


We are always happy to hear from you, if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, please contact us through the channels found on our contact page.



Website Terms of Use


1. Use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of these ‘Terms of Use’. Lumico reserves the right to add to or change these Terms of Use at any time by posting changes on-line and it is your responsibility to refer to and comply with these Terms of Use on accessing the site.


2.1 This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to Lumico. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance, and graphics. The website and its contents are protected by intellectual property laws including, but not limited to, copyright.


2.2 All trademarks reproduced in this website are either the property of Lumico, are duly licensed to Lumico, or belong to their respective owners. Illegal use thereof is prohibited.


2.3 Contents on the website may be viewed but no contents, in whole or in part, may be sold, reused, or modified without the prior written permission of Lumico. The re-distribution, re-publication, or otherwise making available of the material on this website to third parties without our prior written consent is prohibited.


2.4 Information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Lumico reserves the right to revise these Terms of Use by updating information at any time without any notice to you.


2.5 Unauthorised use of this website and any of its contents may give rise to a claim for damages and/or may constitute a criminal offence.



Last updated: 17/05/2021

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